Corequisites & prerequisites: - Course aims & objectives : The subject should provide knowledge and understanding about - General skills: distinguishing formal (academic ways of expression) and the informal style, correct and quick interpretation of technical texts and their critical analysis Writing short texts a successful oral competency on topics of common life and profession. Developing academic language skills in order to successfully use English for study and further professional training. STATE UNIVERSITY OF NOVI PAZAR Course title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE GENERAL INFORMATION Year of study: - Lecturer: Sibela Eminović Course status: Compulso ry Consultations (office hours): - Year: 1 Programme of study: Integrated academic studies: Civil engineering Semester: II summer ECTS credits: 3 TIMETABLE Lectures Seminars 15 (1 per week) 15 (1 per week) COURSE DESCRIPTION Mastering the basic aspects of English morphology and syntax, scientific terminology in English with an emphasis on the construction sector.